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Hola, soy Andrés Grases
Ingeniero Mecánico, graduado segundo de promoción en 1984 por la Universidad Simón Bolívar, ubicada en Caracas, Venezuela. En 1992 obtuve con honores el Master en Administración de Empresas (MBA) por Boston University School of Management, hoy en día conocida como Boston University Questrom School of Business.
Cuento con estudios avanzados en gerencia y finanzas cursados en Babson School of Executive Education, Darden Graduate School of Business y Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania.
Soy miembro vitalicio de la Sociedad Honoraria Beta Gamma Sigma, distinción que se otorga a los graduados Top en programas de MBA que son impartidos en Universidades de reconocido prestigio, acreditadas por la AACSB International.
En Venezuela presté servicios en la Industria Petrolera durante 16 años, desde 1984 y hasta 1999, ocupando diversas posiciones gerenciales y ejecutivas. Emigré a España en el 2001, donde he sido, fundamentalmente, operador intradía a través de Internet en los mercados bursátiles de USA, promotor inmobiliario y analista experto en mercados de energía solar fotovoltaica.
En junio del 2016 me ficharon como Director General de una startup tecnológica, que venía trabajando en el desarrollo de un portal inmobiliario innovador, programado con lenguajes de última generación (Angular JS, HTML5/JS/CSS3) y con algoritmos de Deep Learning y Machine Learning. La idea es convertirse en el portal inmobiliario líder para todo el mundo de habla hispana.
Esto último abrió mi mente hacia un espectro menos conocido por mí, lo cual me despertó una enorme curiosidad, por profundizar en las aplicaciones que tales avances tecnológicos podrían tener en otras áreas.
En diciembre de ese mismo año renuncié a mi cargo en la empresa propietaria del portal, para adentrarme en ese nuevo mundo. Me he documentado sobre el advenimiento de la singularidad tecnológica, término acuñado por el ilustre futurista Ray Kurzweil, co-fundador de Singularity University, y la forma como, una vez alcanzado ese hito, que se prevé ocurra entre los años 2029 y 2045, la inteligencia artificial habrá alcanzado y superado a la mente humana, y la ciencia hará posible curar todas las enfermedades, incluyendo el envejecimiento.
Con esta página aspiro contribuir con la difusión profesional de los avances que se están llevando a cabo en estas áreas, así como buscar patrocinantes para apoyar los esfuerzos de investigación y difusión de los mismos.
Sigo de cerca a científicos, filántropos, y otros líderes mundiales que apuestan por estas ideas. Entre ellos, en orden alfabético: Anders Sandberg, Aubrey De Grey, Bill Andrews, Bill Faloon, Bill Gates, David Sinclair, David Wood, Elena Milova, Elon Musk, Giorgia Zunino, James Clement, James Strole, José Luis Cordeiro, Juan Carlos Izpisúa, Juan Enriquez, Larry Page, Liz Parrish, Mark Zuckerberg, María Blasco, María Entraigues Abramson, Max More, Michio Kaku, Natasha Vita-More, Nikola Danaylov, Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Robin Farmanfarmaian, Serguéi Brin, y Zoltan Istvan.
A día de hoy ocupo los siguientes cargos:
Content Development Executive Assistant en Clínica Dr. Durántez
Longevity Ambassador de CryptoPlaza.es
Fundador, dueño y editor de Infolongevity.com
Miembro del Advisory Board de Lifeboat Foudation
Además pertenezco a las siguientes organizaciones ligadas con el mundo del Longevity:
“Full Member” de Humanity Plus, la mayor organización internacional de membresía, sin fines de lucro, que aboga por el uso ético de la tecnología para expandir las capacidades humanas.
“Online Member” de People Unlimited Inc. organización que impulsa la Coalition for Radical Life Extension, a su vez productora de los eventos RAADfest (Revolution Against Aging and Death Festival).
Hi, I’m Andrés Grases
Mechanical Engineer, achieving Rank 2º in 1984 at Simón Bolívar University, located in Caracas, Venezuela. In 1992 I earned a Master Degree of Business Administration (MBA) with honors from Boston University School of Management, now known as Boston University Questrom School of Business.
I have advanced studies in management and finance completed at Babson School of Executive Education, Darden Graduate School of Business and Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania.
I am a lifetime member of Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, a distinction awarded to top graduate students in MBA programs, obtained at business schools accredited by AACSB International.
In Venezuela, I served in the Oil Industry for 16 years, from 1984 until 1999, occupying various managerial and executive positions. I emigrated to Spain in 2001, where I have been primarily a stock market trader through the Internet on my own, a real estate developer, as well as an expert analyst in photovoltaic solar energy markets.
In June 2016, I was appointed General Director of a technological startup, created to develop an innovative real estate portal, using last generation programming languages (Angular JS, HTML5 / JS / CSS3) as well as deep learning and machine learning algorithms. The idea is to become the leading real estate portal for the Spanish-speaking world.
The latter opened my mind to a spectrum less known to me, which in turn aroused a great curiosity to deepen in the field of the applications that such technological advances could have in other areas.
In December of that same year I resigned my position in the company that owns the portal, to enter the Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications related world. Among other things, I learned about the advent of the technological singularity, term coined by the illustrious futurist Ray Kurzweil, co-founder of Singularity University, and how, once that milestone happens to be grasped, which is expected to occur between 2029 and 2045, AI will reach and surpass the human mind processing power and discernment capacity, and science will make it possible to cure all diseases, including aging.
My purpose with this webpage is to contribute professionally to the diffusion of the advances that are being carried out in these areas, as well as to look for sponsors to support R&D efforts as well as diffusion of these endeavors.
I closely follow scientists, philanthropists, and other world leaders who are betting on these ideas. Among them, in alphabetical order: Anders Sandberg, Aubrey De Gray, Bill Andrews, Bill Faloon, Bill Gates, David Sinclair, David Wood, Elena Milova, Elon Musk, Giorgia Zunino, James Clement, James Strole, José Luis Cordeiro, Juan Carlos Izpisúa, Juan Enriquez, Larry Page, Liz Parrish, Mark Zuckerberg, Maria Blasco, Maria Entraigues Abramson, Max More, Michio Kaku, Natasha Vita-More, Nikola Danaylov, Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Robin Farmanfarmaian, Serguéi Brin and Zoltan Istvan.
At the present time I hold the following positions
Content Development Executive Assistant at Clínica Dr. Durántez
Longevity Ambassador at CryptoPlaza.es
Founder, Owner and Editor of Infolongevity.com
Member of the Advisory Board in Lifeboat Foudation
I also belong to the following organizations linked to the field of Longevity:
“Full Member” of Humanity Plus, the largest international non-profit membership organization advocating for the ethical use of technology to expand human capabilities.
“Online Member” of People Unlimited Inc. organization promoted by the Coalition for Radical Life Extension, in turn producer of the RAADfest events (Revolution Against Aging and Death Festival).