
Charla intitulada “¿Se puede extender la vida indefinidamente?” ofrecida por el Ing. Andrés Grases, en ocasión de la celebración del evento internacional “Transvision Future Summit 2021”.  El mismo tuvo lugar los días 8, 9 y 10 de octubre de 2021, en el Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid.

Presentación via Zoom en ocasión del Webinar organizado por José Luis Cordeiro el 03-nov-2020, como jornada de cierre del Mes de la Longevidad 2020.

Brent Nally interviews Andrés Grases Briceño, at the time Director of Global Outreach of BioViva Sciences, during the celebration of the Revolution Against Aging and Death Festival (RAADfest) on October 7th, 2019

Presentation during the Transvision 2018 that took place in Madrid between October 19-21, 2018. The title of the talk: Estado actual de la Industria de la Extensión de la Longevidad.

Conversation with Gennady Stolyarov, Chairman of the US Transhumanist Party. It took place during RAADfest 2018 (Revolution Against Aging and Death Festival) celebrated in San Diego, CA between September 20th – 23rd. We covered political issues as well as a brief review of the current state of several emerging technologies.

Presenting my own website at the Annual Transhumanist Summit “Transvision 2017” in Brussels, Belgium (Nov 2017).
Thank you José Luis Cordeiro for introducing me the way you did it.

This interview took place at RAADfest 2017 in San Diego, CA., on Saturday, August 12.
Thanks so much Liz for being so open, wise and touchy.